Funding Request Tabled

       Action on three items was tabled at Monday’s Hancock County Commission meeting.  Commissioner Eron Chek moved to table three funding requests until the agencies requesting the funds can attend a meeting to detail how the funds will be used.  Funding requests from Jim Anderson for $2,000.00 for the Northern Panhandle Resource Conservation and Development; Robert Miller for  $4,000.00 for the Route 2/I68 Authority; and Fred McDonald for $30,000.00 for the Lee Day Report Center and Home Incarceration program were tabled and the agencies will be invited to a future Commission meeting to provide further information.
     A funding request of $15,000.00 for the Hancock County Solid Waste Authority was approved.   The funds will be used to purchase anroll-off rental, transportation and disposal bin and  to hold community cleanup events in Chester, New Cumberland and/or Newell.  The $7,000.00 used for community cleanups will provide the 50/50 match required for a Litter Control Grant from the West Virginia Dept. of Environmental Protection.  In 2020, the Recycling Center on Gas Valley Road has seen nearly 7,000 visitors to accept household junk.
In other business, the Commission:

**Received a certificate of recognition from the U.S. Census Bureau recognizing their efforts during the 2020 Census;
**Received communication from the WV State Tax Dept. commending Assessor Joe Alongi and his office staff for being in compliance with standards established by the Property Valuation Training and Procedures Commission;
**Approved the hiring of William Curtis White as a full-time assistant maintenance technician;
**Approved the hiring of William Ross, III as a full-time janitor;
**Approved the appointment of Stacy Adkins to the Hancock County Parks & Recreation Board;
**Tabled approval to advertise for a bid for the 2nd phase of a Microwave Backhaul Network until Emergency Services Director Jeremy Ober could further research the issue;
**Approved longevity pay for two Courthouse employees;
**Agreed to pay Rick Anderson unused vacation days;
**Accepted the resignation of Assistant Prosecutor Jack Woods and agreed to pay his accrued vacation and personal time;
**Adjusted the pay of Assistant Prosecutors April Manypenny Raines and Mike Lucas to reflect their previous salary. Raines and Lucas had assumed additional responsibilities upon the resignation of Assistant Prosecutor Allison Cowden and had been compensated for the additional hours.