Something happened to me this morning that I walked away thinking, “I’m going to write about this.” But I instantly realized that there are two[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
One of my favorite Bible stories is found (among other places) in Matthew 14. It is the story of Jesus walking on water. That’s what[Read More…]
REFLECTIONS by Jeremy Alger
We are hearing about the work shortages. Wait, not the work shortage, the worker shortage. I saw an article last week about the service industry[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
A few months ago I was a newspaper columnist. Now I am an online columnist. Things change over time. As a pastor I am fully[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
Are you busy? Things just seem to be going a thousand miles per hour lately around here. Everyone seems to be running a bit ragged[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
I’m sure that you’ve noticed this trend in the news. Shootings! Shootings every week for the last few months. There has been some American killed[Read More…]
REFLECTIONS by Jeremy Alger
I’m sure that you’ve noticed this trend in the news. Shootings! Shootings every week for the last few months. There has been some American killed[Read More…]
REFLECTIONS by Jeremy Alger
Would you like an additional dose of God’s presence? Would you like some more holy wisdom? Could I interest you in a little more of[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
I recently read a book that asked a question about what you would like in your eulogy. The author specifically focused in on our business.[Read More…]
Reflections by Jeremy Alger
Have you heard about the history of the stage? Specifically about the theater just after medieval times, in the era of Shakespeare? You may know[Read More…]