Chester City Council approved the appointment of a Deputy Police Chief at Monday’s meeting. Ethan Skolrud who has served as a patrolman for five years was recommended for the position by Chief Charles Stanley. Skolrud was sworn in after the Council meeting by City Judge Curt Parkins.
Mayor Ken Morris reported to Council that a meeting is set in the near future with Sen. Joe Manchin’s office to provide guidelines about the use of the American Rescue Act funds. One representative from each city and county is permitted to attend the meeting. Chester is to receive $990,000.00 and City officials say funds are to be released in two disbursements, one in the current year and one in next.
A City Cleanup is planned to coincide West Virginia Make it Shine Day on May 15. Dustin Lang, chair of the Beautification Committee, has submitted a list of areas to be addressed and is asking for volunteers to assist in the cleanup. Permission has been given from the State for the removal of brush surrounding the “Almost Heaven” display. Council approved the purchase of mulch for the playgrounds and new soil for the flower pots on Carolina Avenue.
In other business, Council:
**Approved monthly receipts of $45,262.72 to be placed into the General Fund;
**Approved the payment of $79,079.59 in bills for the month;
**Approved receipts of $5,310.00 to be placed into the Building Fund;
**Approved the payment of $232.03 in bills from the Building Fund;
**Approved payment of $7,390.50 to the law firm of Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith;
**Heard rentals in the Municipal Building are going well and now include weddings and graduation parties;
**Held a discussion on the feasibility of leasing a street sweeper.
Permits Granted March 24
Chester City Council voted 4-1 at a Special Meeting to follow the ruling by circuit judge David Sims and grant Sunset Development permits for 5 mobile home lots