HANCOCK COUNTY SCHOOL RETIREES  – Recognized for their years of service at the Board of Education meeting were Sherri LaRosa, Elizabeth Williams, Melanie Donofe, Fran Games,  Frank Carey,  Gordon Anderson and Ila Hanlin

             Retiring teachers and school service personnel were honored at  the June 28th Hancock County Board of Education meeting.   Recognized were Gordon Anderson, 26 years of service, Cindy Blake, 20 years; Frank Carey, 38 years; Melanie Donofe, 32 years, teacher, Weirton;  Fran Games, 10 years; Iva Hanlon, 12 years; Sherri LaRosa, 30 years; Jane Miller, 28 years.  Carey, who currently serves as Director of Personnel, was presented with a picture of himself that will hang at Weirton Elementary in recognition of his service as principal of that school

          Superintendent Dawn Petrovich noted that 206 years of service in the Hancock County School system was represented in those being recognized.

         The donation of a surplus school bus to New Manchester Fire Department was approved.   The bus was put out to bid, but  is inoperable.  It will be used in drills to train fire departments throughout the County in evacuating students from a burning school bus.      

The Board took the following personnel action:

**Approved the assignment of Jennifer Snider, grade 8 Science teacher, Oak Glen Middle;  Thomas Williams music teacher, Weir Middle; Joshua Garrett, Band Director, Weir High; Chloe Pieniazek, Speech-Language Pathologist, countywide; Brooke Haynes, Grade 7 Math teacher, Oak Glen Middle; Emily Hores, Family & Consumer Science, Weir High; Kaya Schultz, Multi-categorical/Autism, New Manchester, Elementary; Sarah Parsons, Director of Personnel, Central Office;

**Approved Weir High coaching assignments of Ashleigh Kaufman, Assistant Volleyball; Tyler Warrick, Assistant Boys’ Soccer (unpaid volunteer); Jason Bennett, Head Swimming; and Kristen Malinowski, Assistant Girls’ Track;

**Approved  Jocelyn Nolder as Assistant Cheerleading coach at Oak Glen High;

**Approved the transfer of April Corbin, grade 7, math teacher, Oak Glen Middle, to  math teacher, Oak Glen High; Matthew DeAngelis, substitute teacher to Multi-categorical/Autism, Weir Middle; Nicole Drobish, assistant principal, Weirton Elementary, to Assistant Principal, Oak Glen Middle; and McClay Moore, substitute teacher, to Pre-K Special Needs, New Manchester Elementary;

**Accepted the resignations of substitute teachers Alexa Bruderly, Anthony Perri, Carrie Magnone, Mary Beth Prather, Wesley Anderson, Katherine Carey and Jeanne Barrett;

**Accepted the resignation of Michael Moran as Head Boys’ Tennis Coach, Oak Glen High;

**Accepted the resignations of Rudy Puskarich, Jr., Custodian II, Maintenance Dept.;

**Transferred Tyler Warrick from Assistant Girls’ Track, Weir High, to Assistant Girls’ Track, unpaid/volunteer; Taelor Fankhouser, Head Cheerleading, Weir High to Assistant Cheerleading (unpaid/volunteer) Weir High;

**Approved the transfer of Leannda Brown from substitute bus operator, countywide, to bus operator, #73; Ashley Runkel from substitute aide, countywide, to Sup. Aide II-IV ECCAT/AM K, Weirton Elementary; Lisa Sayre, Cook III, Weirton Elementary, 7 a.m. – 2 p.m. to Cook III, Weirton Elementary, 6:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m.; and Holly Winterrowd, ECCAT/AM K, Weirton Elementary, to Sup. Aide II-IV/AM, New Manchester Elementary;

**Approved as substitute classified service personnel were Debra Hoffman, aide; Ashley Tharp, aide; Diane L. Greco, aide; Janice C. Shields, aide; Michelle Petrella, aide; Judy Mullins, bus operator, Larry Shane, bus operator; Michael Watkins, Jr., bus operator; Richard Kaczmarek, bus operator; Harry C. Edmond, bus operator; Douglas Ireland, bus operator; Tiffany Warner, cook; Cindy Chambers, cook; Christine L. Adams, cook; Rieko Takara, cook; Rebecca Eastham, cook; Amanda Garrison, cook; Leon Swiger, custodian; Glen Cork, Food Truck Drover/custodian; Laurie Dankovchik, secretary; Linda Basil, secretary; Penny Lahr, secretary and Betsy Anderson, secretary.