The New Cumberland Garden Club recently won four awards totaling $250 at the annual WV State Garden Club Convention held in Charleston, WV. In recognition of their Blue Star and Gold Star markers, the club won first place with the Eleanor W. Cain Memorial Award. The Sara H. Townsend Landscape Design Award was won for the club’s beautification programs in the city of New Cumberland. Because the club has used several metal sculptures made of recycled materials in their gardens around town, they were awarded the Saving the Environment Award. These three awards were all from the state garden club. The Southern Atlantic Region of National Garden Clubs, Inc., which includes West Virginia and four other states, presented the club with a first place award for maintaining and improving their Blue Star and Gold Star markers and the garden that surrounds the markers. This is the second year in a row that the club has won four first place awards from the state, but the first year that they have won a regional award. The club was chartered three years ago and is involved in several different programs including “Sponsor a Flower Container Project,” the annual kids’ day in conjunction with the Magic Tree Community Garden, and the Wreaths Across America program which places wreaths on the graves of veterans every December. Special thanks to former club treasurer Sara Hawkins (now residing in Florida) for all her help with the paperwork involved in applying for the awards. The club would also like to thank all those in the community who continue to support its projects and are always ready to volunteer their time in helping to make New Cumberland a better place to live.
Shown in the photo are (l-r): New Cumberland Mayor Will White, club member George Hines, district garden club president Joan Holman, club president Milli Hines, former club treasurer Sara Hawkins