The Chester-Newell Sportsman Club will begin their winter/spring turkey shoots on February 6. The shoots will be held every Sunday from 10 a.m. to ??? with sign up’s to start at 9:30 a.m. $3:00 per shot, $5.00 for money shoots. Cover the dot target paying 1st and 2nd place. Stock factory guns up to 4″ tubes only are permitted. Cash & Novelty shoots will be featured and the kitchen will be open. It’s family fun and kids and ladies are welcome!
The club is located at 592 Dairy Lane, on Gas Valley Rd, behind Green Valley Dairy, between WV. Rt. 8 and PA. Rt. 168. GPS: 131 Gas valley rd., Georgetown, PA. 15043
For details and info call 330-383-1886, or 304-374-5587