Have you been working on your knot tying skills? We have some KNOTTY kiddos who have already earned their first brag tag. I’m so proud of them. Great job Atticus, Adalynn and Leslie. Several other kiddos have taken their KNOTTY bags home and are working on learning. As soon as they come in and show us they can make the KNOT, they’ll get their Brag Tag and holder. This week is the Figure 8 Knot. It’s probably the most basic and will be used in making the other knots. So, if you haven’t come in to get your bag yet, what are ya waiting for? Get on in here and learn to tie a knot.
We’re really enjoying our Summer Reading Program and all the things that’s goin” on here at the library. Make sure your “ Littles” are getting in on all the fun too.