While New Cumberland City Council initially thought the Hancock County Commissioners would purchase the current Municipal Building, it appears that will not happen. Mayor Will White told Council Monday that he had placed a phone call to the Commission on June 22 and spoke to Commissioner Eron Chek who indicated that Commissioner Jeff David and Paul Cowey were present. Chek told Mayor White that the Commission was not interested in purchasing the Municipal Building.
City Council has purchased the Ewing Building on River Avenue are in the process of renovating that building for utilization as the new City Building,
Council is now tasked with putting the old New Cumberland school building up for Public Auction. Mayor White said they had contacted Patrick Arneault for assistance in locating an interested party. The building currently leases space to the Family Court and 4H Extension Office and those leases will carry over to the new owner according to White. The first step in placing the building up for public auction is to obtain an appraisal of the building so that a minimum bid may be established.
Council voted to contract with Stantec Consulting Inc. for asbestos testing in the new building. A vote was also taken to sell the current building and to hire an appraiser for it.,
In other business, Council:
**Approved monthly invoices of $37,934.86
**Approved a Draw of $76,826.74 for the sewer project;
**Hired Donny Blankenship as a full-time, certified police officer at an hourly rate of $22/hr,;
**Agreed to donate $5,000.00 to the New Cumberland Fire Department;
**Voted to replace the New Cumberland sign at the southern end of town. The sign had been destroyed by a reckless driver. The new sign will be located to a less vulnerable location;
**Approved a budget revision in the General Fund;
**Approved a budget revision in the coal severance fund;