New Cumberland City Council is once again IN need of a Council member. At Monday’s Council meeting, Mayor Will White said that he had received a resignation from Nick Nolder via phone. Nolder held the 2nd ward Council position and his replacement must reside in the same district. The City will hold self-nominations open until August 22. To date White has heard from Joellen Kessel who has expressed an interest.
The City will use an auction company to conduct an online auction of the current municipal building in October.. City Attorney Kevin Pearl is reviewing the statute to see if the City can set a minimum bid of $150,000.00.
Both a new roof and asbestos abatement will be necessary in the new City Building on River Avenue and the City is currently getting estimates on both issues.
In other business, Council:
** Approved monthly invoices of $66,109.76;
**Approved a draw of $4,50797 for the sewer project;
**Announced “Yard of the Month: was Lee Watson of Eden Valley;
**Approved an estimate to cut four trees down;
*Will proceed with lighting for the Jack Watson pavilion;
**Approved the purchase of a cage and i4 cameras for the new cruisers’
**Approved the installation of a bottom floor air conditioning unit and a new roof for the old city building on River Avenue.
**Chief Lester “Chickie “ Center spke of the efforts to contact owners of dilapidated Housing as some owners are out of town and difficult to track down.
**Approved an estimate to pave Madison, Clay and Valley Street fpr an estimate of $106,300.00 City Clerk Tammy Jenkins said the money from the The American Rescue Plan will be used for the -project