……The announcement that Jeff Davis is retiring from the political realm and not filing as a candidate for re-election as Commissioner from Grant District came as a surprise to many.  There are just some office holders you think will always be there if for no other reason than that they always have.  I’ve never been a proponent of term limits because I value historic knowledge and the knowledge of the job.  I served 11 years in the House of Delegates, but prior to that had lobbied for higher education for two years so I had a rudimentary idea of how the Legislature worked.  I would tell you that it takes at least two years to begin to be an effective legislator and know how to pass a bill or sometimes more importantly, kill a bill.  The first bill I was able to get passed ironically, was the “minor boundary change” bill.  It allowed a municipality to annex an area if the majority of the property owners agree.  It permitted New Cumberland to extend its boundaries up past the Rockefeller Center and more importantly the New Cumberland Locks& Dams.

……Davis was a hard working Commissioner.  I’ve worked with and observed the County Commission for years and the work isn’t  just done every Thursday when they vote on the issues.    The work is done studying those issues and knowing all the back stories behind them.  It’s also done 7-days a week when you’re out and about throughout the county, talking to people; stopping by businesses to learn their problems and how their doing; and quite frankly, getting a handle on your county.  Of all the Commissioners I’ve known, Jeff was the best at keeping a pulse on the County  and the historic knowledge of issues.

…….The Commission is in for challenging times financially with the 1% reduction of racetrack video lottery;  That amounts to a cut of $15,000.00 per week or $60,000.00 a month for the County Commission.  There is a rainy day fund, I’m told, but it won’t be long til that’s depleted and we’ll see a reduction in services and layoff of personnel.

……..Karen LaScola, finance director for the County Commission, has also resigned to take a position as Magistrate Assistant to Ralph Fletcher.  Elaine Hyatt, Fletcher’s former assistant, resigned that position when she was appointed to fill the Magistrate Clerk’s position when Tamera Smith retired.

…….Candidates for the Grant District commissioner must reside in that district, but they voted on by entire county.  Grant District extends down Rolling Rock Road.  New Cumberland is in Clay District, but if you have interest I’d check out a map at the Courthouse to be sure.  I’d also caution any candidate to check out any conflict or prohibitions by the Ethic’s Committee or Hatch Act.   Also wise to check with an employer to see if the time away from the job is going to be an issue

….To date Tony Lascola from Chester has filed for Commission.  His wife, Karen, just took the job as Ralph Fletcher’s Magistrate’s Assistant.  I would be interested if there was any prohibition in getting involved in a campaign for an employee of the Judicial system. 

…….Who else might run for the open position?  Tommy Ogden might give it another try.   He came mighty close to defeating Davis last election and was actually declared unofficial victor Election Night.  Patrick Arneault has also been rumored to be interested.  Patrick is vice-president of CEMCO and has been project manager for several projects including the CHANGE Building in Newell, the Health Dept. and most recently, the New Cumberland City Building.  He is also employed by Homeland Security.

…….The flag project, sponsored by the Oak Glen Alumni Association, has fallen short of donations and needs more funding.  It’s a great project to have a rolling flag at events, and Shannon, Doug and I donated to it.  Take a look.  They have a pay pal account now to make your donations even easier.

……I heard some vilify “The Good Ol’ Boy” political system and it’s pretty early in the election cycle.  Dad (John D. Herron) was the subject of a pretty big article in LIFE Magazine in 1972.  It’s title was “The Good Ol’ Boy” and they characterized Dad as the epitome of the term.  They also vilified the old Justice of the Peace system and I remember one quote as being “The quality of John D. Herron’s justice is the character of the man.”   Pretty simplistic, but I think it applies to any elected official as they do their job.