1st VP Sally Greathouse brought the meeting to order. Lion Rick Tinsky offered the Prayer and Lion Bill Greathouse led the Pledge. Minutes were accepted as read. Communications were received from the WV Lions Sight Conservation Foundation, Leader Dogs, Camp Horseshoe, and Blue Star Mothers of Southwestern Pennsylvania. The treasurer’s report was placed on file for audit. Eight (8) small brooms remain for sale.
Old Business: New Cumberland Lions Club members Jeanne Cox, Cindy Skerbetz, Jim Wells, Joyce Young and Chester Lion Tom Hineman provided eye screenings to the students at the New Manchester Elementary School on February 2. Approximately 300 students were evaluated. Thanks to Principal Cindy Yeater and Assistant Principal Jennifer Enochs for allowing us to serve the students as well as School Nurse Kaitlyn Rhodes for her assistance. The Adopt A Highway is tentatively scheduled for April 27. This will be confirmed by the state in the next month or two. Pulled pork vendors are being researched. Lion Alan Lee provided an update on the progress of the By-Law Committee. No changes are recommended at this time.New Business: Past President Dorothy Hawkes is working on the nomination of officers. Lion Jeanne Cox has scheduled Flag Day for April 13 at 1:00 p.m. at the New Manchester Elementary School.Lion Minute: Lion Ed Fields reported on the progress of the Flag that will be installed in the Oak Glen Fieldhouse in memory of Lion Bob Manypenny and Lion John Edwards. The Board Meeting will be February 20 with the location to be announced. It will be held at the Swaney Library. The next Regular meeting will be February 27 at 6:30 in the Christian Church Pittinger Hall. PHOTO: (from left) Jeanne Cox, Joyce Young, Cindy Skerbetz, Tom Hineman, school nurse Kaitlyn Rhodes, Jim Wells