Wed, Feb 28 at 11:38 AM The Hancock County Museum Commission met at 2:00 on Wednesday, December 6, 2023.  Attending were Marcus and Ki Trelaine, John Speerhas, Kathy Beagle, Mary Fern Schmidt and Vivian Weigel.  After the pledge to the flag. the minutes from the Nov. 5th meeting were approved as read.  The treasurer’s report showed an increase in the investment balance ans was approved to be filed for audit.  Ki was looking for wedding dresses to borrow for a fashion show of vintage dresses.  This was approved by the Commissioners.  The Victorian Carolers sang at the Weirton Christmas Fair and received a generous contribution from the City of Weirton to the Museum for their efforts.   Doris Cameron, after years of service, retired from her position as secretary.  The need for a new secretary was discussed; Kathy will decide if she will accept the position in March.  Marcus suggested joining the River Valley Chamber of Commerce and made a motion to do so which was seconded by Cathy and passed by the Commissioners.  It was decided to not have a Christmas Event at the Museum this year, but we will plan to have one in 2024.  Kathy and John will decorate the outside of the Museum in 2023.  It was decided not to participate in the New Cumberland parade.  The furnace was not working.  John will check it and call Kell’s if need be.  Joining the WV Assoc. of Museums was discussed; it was decided that we will not join this year.  The Museum received a gift in the mail of early New Cumberland Commencement programs.  Vivian will contact George Hines to see if he would like to have them for his N.C. school collection.  Marcus is looking for memorabilia from HCSB for the 125-year anniversary celebration.  If anyone can help with this, please call the Museum at 304-564-4800.  The business being addressed, the meeting was adjoined.  The next meeting will be at 2:00 on Wednesday 3-6-24.  The public is welcome to attend.