The Governor still has not signed HB 5105, which allows for more vaccine exemptions for measles, mumps, chicken pox. I heard an interview on WVMETRO News in which he admits that he is not an expert on health issues and he has concern that one child be harmed. Those of us who remember the terror of polio and remember our parents joy when we could get vaccinated are flummoxed by those who might deny their children all the protection. I just read a story of a man who lived 70 years in an Iron lung and I can remember the Lions putting all their efforts into collecting money for research. I was about six when I wondered up to the play ground in lower town during the Lions Water Show and was playing on the swings with a couple kids I didn’t know. I remember my Mom’s hysteria when one of those kids contracted polio. We need to safeguard our kids in every way we can.
Write, e-mail, call Governor Justice today to ask him to please veto this dangerous legislation..