The Founder & CEO of Current Hydro was on hand at Thursday’s County Commissioners meeting to update the Commissioners on the New Cumberland Hydro Plant. Joel Herm said the project is 30 percent complete in the design phase and he expects the plant to be operational in late 2025. During the construction phase, 200 to 300 jobs will be created in the area. Upon completion, however, the plant will create 8-10 jobs to run the plant.

Herm said their company had been working with the DNR and will have an ADA compliant public fishing area which have proven quite popular with the New Martinsville plant.

Nick Frankovich addressed the Commission to inquire about their progress on a dog ordinance for unincorporated areas. Commission President Jeff Davis told Frankovich the ordinance is in the hands of the Commissions’ legal counsel and should be completed to review the next regularly scheduled meeting.

In other business, the Commission:

**Made a request for funding in the amount of $15,000.00 from the Weirton Senior Center a matter of record;

**Appointed Kathy Beagle and John Sperhas to the Hancock County Museum Committee;

**Approved the General County and Coal Severance Budget for Fiscal year 2024/2025;

**Issued a proclamation declaring March 2024 Red Cross Month;

**Set a hearing for the petition to close a portion of Lane K and a portion of Well Avenue in Newell for April 25 11:30 – 12:00;

**Granted approval to hire Miranda Morris as Deputy Clerk;

**Accepted the resignation of Leah Caparros from the WVU Extension Office;

**Approved the Memorandum of Agreement for the PILOT agreement with Form Energy.
