The Fidelis Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa International Honorary Organization for Women Educators meat Eat ‘n Park Restaurant in Weirton, WV, on April 4, 2024, with Ruth Fuller presiding. There were 13 members in attendance. Fuller called the meeting to order, welcomed the sisters, and lit the Memory Candle with thoughts for those unable to attend. The pledge was said in unison followed by Carolyn Allison reading a “Prayer for America.” Fuller and Chaplain Bonnie Queses conducted a memorial service for Jerry DeFilippo who passed away February 17, 2024. Fuller read a short history of Jerry DeFilippo’s life, and a poem titled “To My Sorority Sister.” Queses read a poem titled “In Loving Memory of Our Wonderful Sister.” Queses offered a blessing for the meal, and a prayer titled “The Strength Prayer”, to ask for guidance and protection during the inclement weather. Secretary Fuller read the March minutes. There were no corrections, so information was filed. . Treasurer Allison gave the financial report which was approved. Corresponding Secretary Susan Cullinan read two thank you cards- one from the DeFilippo Family, and the other from Julia Kovack Memorial Project Chairman Karen Alexander for the memorial donations for Jerry DeFilippo.. Altruistic Chairman Margo Polk provided a form to record donations – monetary, non-monetary, and member service hours. Under Courtesy, Fuller and Allison look forward to seeing sisters as they arrive for meetings. Scholarship Chairman Liz Pugh took applications for our scholarship to Brooke High and Madonna High Schools, and she will pick the forms up on Aril 15, 2024. Publicity Chairman Ruth Fuller thanked Liz Pugh and Nancy Deters for collecting newspaper articles during the biennium to give to Diane Higgins for the state convention. The Hostess sign-up sheet was passed for the 2024-2026 biennium. Fuller reminded the members of the Alpha Delta Kappa Convention at Wilson Lodge, Oglebay Park, in Wheeling, WV, to be held April 19-21. Special thanks were given to those members who donated items for the “Goody Bags” during the convention. Under new business, the slate of officers for 2024-2026 biennium was presented from President Diane Higgins, Ruth Fuller, and Carolyn Allison. Members voted to accept the new officers, and they will be installed at the May 2, 2024, meeting. Sisterly concerns were given, and cards will be sent. Hostesses for the meeting were Margo Polk and Donna Roman. Pots of tulips were won by Liz Pugh, Janet Benzo, Susan Cullinan, Nancy Conley, and Ruth Fuller. Nancy Holdsworth will be hostess for the month of May. The next meeting will be May 2, 2024. April birthdays are Susan Cullinan – April 3, Sandi Anderson – 13, and Ruth Fuller- 19. The meeting was adjourned by singing “Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.”