Board of Education Addresses Personnel Issues Prior to Start of School Year.

With three members participating via phone, the Hancock County School Board acted on personnel appointments, transfers and resignations going into the 24/25 school year. In attendance were Board members Gerard Spencer and Randy Swartzmiller while members Chris Gillette, Ed Fields and Jim Horstman participated by phone.

The Board voted to rescind a transfer of Amber Tonacchio and restore her to the position of Asst. Principal at Weir Middle School. The non-renewal of Taylor Allison’s 200-day/first probationary contract was rescinded and Allison was provided with a second probationary contract.

Mark Dziakowicz was named Director of Supplemental Services, Transportation Department. Amy Matask was assigned as a Multi-Categorical/Autism /teacher at Weirton Elementary.

Transfers were approved for Brian Pietro, Alternative Learning Center, to Drivers’ Education Teacher at Weir High/Oak Glen High; Carrie Rine from Multi-Categorical/Autism, Weir High to Multi-Categorical/Autism, Weir Middle; Jennifer Sanner from Pre-K, Special Needs, Weirton Elementary to Assistant Principal, Weirton Elementary; and Kim Swords, Math teacher, Oak Glen Middle to Math teacher, Oak Glen High.

Substitute teachers approved were Carrie Magnone and Markell Zias.

Volunteers approved for the Weir High Band were Hunter Helms and McKenzie Cross.

Lee Ann Bryan was approved as a substitute aide/countywide. Jodi Headley’s resignation as supervisory aide, transportation department was approved.

Transfers were approved for the following: Kiesha Shimon from Bus Operator #229 to #173; Tina Bartley, Supervisory Aide/ECCAT/AM, Weirton Elementary to LPN/Autism Mentor, itinerant position based at Weirton Elementary; Douglas Allison, substitute bus operator, countywide to bus operator #208; Rachel Taylor, Supervisory Aide/AM, Weir High to Supervisory Aide/ECCAT, New Manchester Elementary; Erin Wooley, Supervisory Aide/ECCAT, Weirton Elementary to Supervisory Aide II-IV, Allison Elementary; Dianne Campinelli, Sec. III, Transportation Dept. to Sec. III, JDRIV Career Center.