…..I had just attended the Hancock County Retired Teachers Luncheon Tuesday where I heard Superintendent Dan Enich inform us what would be included in the[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN……….by Tamara
……..The past week has taken my breath away. It was a harsh reminder of how vulnerable we all are to violence. Once violence was recognizable.[Read More…]
There are days in all our lives that are terror-filled when they occur, but humor- filled in retrospect. Since Shannon has moved into 610 Chester[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN………………by Tamara Pettit
…….I’ve been going through pictures of relatives, some of whom I can’t even identify. My sister, Marsha, the older of the two of us and[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN……by Tamara Pettit
…….I was John D.’s girl. There was no doubt in anyone’s mind that I worshipped my father and was always two steps behind him trying[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN…….by Tamara Pettit
……..They’re gonna be “somebunny!” ….”…..I can see Roberta Rabbit, my fictious alter-ego, looking at my two great granddaughters and imagining what possibilities lie ahead for[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN……by Tamara Pettit
…..I am sad. There I’ve said it and a columnist is never supposed to impose her emotions in writing, but today it seems I can’t[Read More…]
……I feel like my head is full of random thoughts and questions, so I’m sharing them with you. My good friend, the late Hugh Tate,[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN…..by Tamara Pettit
……..And here I sit again on New Year’s Eve. There are reports of parties and dancing even drinking and frivolity. But, in all my years,[Read More…]
AND THEN AGAIN….by Tamara Pettit.
……The backhoe outdid itself this year proving their is no limit when Santa and Pat Jones put their minds together for a parade! ….The New[Read More…]