Hancock County will adopt a four-day-a-week class schedule beginning Monday, Oct. 19.
Superintendent Dawn Petrovich told the Board of Education Monday night that students will be in class Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday with Wednesday being a remote learning day. All precautions will be taken with masks and shields worn K through 12 by students on buses and in the classroom, the only exception being in the cafeteria when students are eating. Frequency of sanitizing will be increased with Wednesday being used as a day to sanitize schools.
Petrovich said that she believes the transition to four-days-a-week will go smoothly and anyone needing additional protective equipment should contact her office.
The Board had previously voted to grant Petrovich the authority to bring students back to school when she deemed it safe given the County’s COVID transmission rate.
Board President Danny Kaser expressed thanks to the teachers, staff, school service personnel and parents for doing their part in staying safe and keeping the County’s transmission rate down.
In other business, the Board:
**Heard the students response to the packaged meals being provided has been mixed. As the school system transitions into four-days-a-week, Director Steve Govey said more fresh vegetables and fruit cups will be made available;
**Accepted the resignation of Gordon Anderson, Automotive Technology teacher, JDR IV Career Center, effective June 30, 2021. Anderson is retiring;
**Accepted the coaching resignation of Scott Gittings as Oak Glen Middle Head Boys’ Basketball Coach and Oak Glen High Head Golf Coach;
**Accepted the coaching resignation of Jason Gittings as Oak Glen Middle Assistant Boy’s Basketball Coach;
**Approved the assignment of Justin Horstman as Weir Middle Assistant Boys’ Basketball Coach;
**Approved James W. Orr as substitute custodian and Amanda S. Garrison as substitute cook;
**Removed a policy statement and complaint process on Harassment, Discrimination & Bullying from the agenda as one question remains. The policy will be placed on the October 26th agenda;
**Noted the Board will meet again on October 26 and November 9 at 5 p.m.