The Weirton Area Museum and Cultural Center (WAMCC) recently received a generous donation from TZielinsky Publishing LLC and is very grateful for the support of the WAMCC mission.
Pictured here (from left to right) are Weirton-based historian and author Tom Zielinsky, WAMCC Executive Director Savannah Schroll Guz, and New Cumberland-based author and historian George B. Hines III. Zielinsky and Hines are coauthors of Rockyside: A Forgotten Mining Community and Zalia, Hancock County, WV: Rediscovering a Lost Community, both of which are available in the WAMCC gift shop. Zielinsky is also author of The Final Days of Weirton Steel: Could the Collapse Have Been Prevented?, which has returned to our gift shop after having been sold out. Hines is coauthor, with Lou Martin, of Images of America: Hancock County, which is coming to our gift shop soon.
The Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center is located at 3149 Main Street in Weirton, West Virginia and is open Tuesday through Saturday from 10 am to 2 pm. To learn about the museum’s many upcoming exhibitions and events, please follow WAMCC on Facebook at “Weirton Area Museum & Cultural Center” or visit our website at