New Cumberland City Council learned the City had been awarded a $10,000.00 grant from the Brooke/Hancock/Jefferson Planning Commission for Thrasher Engineering to study the drainage problems which continue to plague Porter Street at its November meeting. A update on Commerce Street also revealed progress continues on repairing the slip as material becomes available.
The first reading of the ordinances which enable financing of bonds for water/sewage improvement was passed. The Council will take up the second reading at its December meeting with a public hearing slated prior to the third and final passage at Council’s January meeting. In other business Council;
**Approved the payment of $42,498.44 in monthly invoices;
**Council agreed to continue closure of the City building due to the COVID Pandemic;
**Approved a $500 one time salary adjustment for full-time and $250 for part-time employees;
**Learned the New Cumberland Christmas Parade theme will be “Christmas Past and Present” and it will take place Dec. 12.