Legal Notice
Notice of Request for Proposal (RFP)
COVID-19 Disaster Recovery Dislocated Worker Grant
WorkForce West Virginia (WorkForce), a division of the West Virginia Department of Commerce, announces the availability of U.S. Department of Labor National Dislocated Worker Grant (NDWG) funds for the purpose of developing and delivering an initiative to provide temporary disaster-relief jobs and training services to eligible individuals impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic.
WorkForce is seeking Project Operator(s) to oversee this initiative by providing eligible participants with, temporary disaster-relief employment and training in in-demand occupations. The Project Operator will offer statewide disaster relief employment to alleviate the issues caused the COVID-19 pandemic throughout the state of West Virginia. The project operator will develop worksite agreements with the communities as well as the Local Workforce Development Boards and other entities. The Project Operator will provide case management and assessments for enrollments, make approvals, coordinate, and maintain a list of disaster relief employment for each participant. The Project Operator will ensure participants are also enrolled in an Individual Training Account (ITA) when interested in training.
Complete details are available online at under the Announcements and Events.
A Skype conference call, due to social distancing, will take place to discuss the Request for Proposal (RFP) process held on December 7, 2020 from 1pm-4pm. You must be on the conference call at the bidder’s conference in order to submit a proposal. If for any reason, you cannot participate in the bidder’s conference call, you may have a local representative participant on the bidder’s conference call who cannot be representing any other agency, on your behalf. Participant is required at this bidder’s conference call in order to submit a proposal.
Registration for the Bidder’s Conference, and/or any questions should be referred to Jamie Moore, Assistant Director of the Employment Services Division, [email protected] or at toll free (877) 967-5498.