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Notice of a Special Meeting for the City of Chester Council on Monday, November 30th, 2020 at 5:00 p.m. in the City of Chester’s Council Chambers to have the first reading of Ordinance Numbered 2020-01, Ordinance Numbered 2020-02, and Ordinance Numbered 2020-11.
The purpose of Ordinance 2020-01 is to raise revenue for the City of Chester by Imposing a sales and use tax of 1% within City Limits.
The purpose of Ordinance 2020-02 is to reduce and eliminate certain areas of our B&O Tax which is required by the Home Rule Board in order to enact a 1% sales and use tax.
The purpose of Ordinance 2020-11 is an ordinance to establish an increase in the utility rate and associated costs for water and sewer service to the residents serviced by the City of Chester Water and Sewer Department.