Sammis Emissions Questioned

Concern over emissions from stacks at Sammis Plant have been conveyed to the EPA by Hometown News and those concerns are being investigated. George Hines provided the newspaper with a sequence of photos and the times the emissions were occurring.
The following response was received from Anthony Chenault of the EPA.
“Ohio EPA is investigating the matter as we would any other complaint provided by the public. The Agency contacted the facility to determine if there were any upset conditions the day the photos were taken, and a third-party consulting firm will be conducting a formal visible emissions observation (Model 9) test Friday, Dec. 4. The photos provided show the stacks that serves all seven boilers. The company confirmed that on the days of the photos boiler units 6 and 7 were online and the continuous SO2 emissions monitor data documented no exceedances during that period. Boiler units 6 and 7 were also tested for particulates matter on Sept. 2, 2020. The tested particulate emission rates documented compliance with the permitted particulate emission ratings.”
According to Chenault, the Ohio EPA cannot make any determination on the amount of emissions based upon photographs. The facility is subject to a 20% opacity visible particulate emissions limitation. In order to evaluate the visible emissions, a formal Method 9 reading must be conducted. During a Method 9 reading the sun must be oriented in the 140 degree sector to the readers back. The sun is behind the plume in the photos provided, which makes the opacity appear higher than it would.