Home Schoolers Increase

The number of home schooled students in Hancock County grew 50 this year.   Superintendent Dawn Petrovich told the  Board of Education at Mondays’s meeting that the number of home school students had increased from 150  to 200 in this year’s enrollment count which is taken in October.  Petrovich said that she had seen the number of home schooled students increase by an average of 10-15 each year since she had been in the Central Office, but she attributed the dramatic jump this year to the COVID pandemic.
Hancock County has drawn down $650,000.00 in CARES Act funds, according to Joe Campinelli, Finance director,  with $125,000.00 obligated but not yet spent.  He noted that $75,000.00 allocated for parochial schools allocated through the Board of Education remained to be drawn down.
 In other action, the Board:

**Approved a leave of absence for Morgan Bricker and Stephanie Kuca;
**Accepted the resignation of Lauren Masucci as a Multi-Categorical/Autism teacher at Oak Glen Middle;
**Approved a transfer for Paul M. Guzzo from Custodian II, Allison Elementary, to Custodian III/GM, Weirton Elementary;
**Accepted the resignation of Fran Games, Secretary III, Board Office. Games is retiring;
**Approved Jason M. Lawson and Thomas E. Vollberg as Substitute Custodians;
**Approved the transfer of Beth Sabbato from Supervisory Aide/AM, Weir High, to Supervisory Aide II-III, Transportation Department.
**Declared Bus 45, 2006; Bus 26, 2006; and Bus 094, 2009 as surplus property.
**Announced the next regular meeting will be January 11, 2021 at 5 p.m.