
CASE NO. 20-0598-PWD-CN
Hancock County, West Virginia
Application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct certain additions and improvements to its existing waterworks system.
On August 5, 2020, Tomlinson Public Service District (the “District”) filed a duly verified application for a certificate of convenience and necessity to construct certain additions and improvements to the District’s existing waterworks system in Hancock County.
The District proposes to construct the following additions and improvements to its waterworks system consisting of (i) installing approximately 16,374 linear feet of 10-inch, 37,213 linear feet of 8-inch, 9,464 linear feet of 6-inch, and 1,860 linear feet of 2-inch water line; (ii) constructing a 700 gallon-per-minute duplex booster station and a new 250,000 gallon tank; (iii) installing telemetry; (iv) replacing an existing 4-inch/6-inch PRV station; (v) refurbishing two (2) booster stations; (vi) relocating a master meter and adding and replacing numerous water meters and valves; and (vii) and all appurtenances relating thereto.
The application is on file with and available for public inspection at the Public Service Commission, 201 Brooks Street, Charleston, West Virginia.
The District estimates that the project will cost approximately $8,071,000. The District proposes to fund the project with a $7,571,000 loan from the West Virginia Drinking Water Treatment Revolving Fund (“DWTRF”) for a term of 30 years at 1.00% and a 0.25% administrative fee. The District also secured a $500,000 DWTRF design loan for the project.
The District anticipates charging the following increased rates and charges for its customers:
Applicable within the entire territory served.
Available for general domestic, commercial and industrial water service.
First 3,000 gallons used per month $13.00 per 1,000 gallons
Next 3,000 gallons used per month $13.00 per 1,000 gallons
Next 4,000 gallons used per month $13.00 per 1,000 gallons
Next 10,000 gallons used per month $13.00 per 1,000 gallons
All over 20,000 gallons used per month $13.00 per 1,000 gallons
No bill will be rendered for less than the following amounts, according to the size of the meter installed:
5/8 inch meter $39.00 per month
3/4 inch meter $58.50 per month
1 inch meter $97.50 per month
1 1/4 inch meter $136.50 per month
1 1/2 inch meter $195.00 per month
2 inch meter $312.00 per month
3 inch meter $624.00 per month
4 inch meter $975.00 per month

The following charge is to be made whenever the utility installs a new tap to serve an applicant:

A tap fee of $350.00 will be charged to customers applying for service outside of a certificate proceeding before the Commission for each new tap to the system.


The above schedule is net. On all accounts not paid in full when due, ten percent (10%) will be added to the net current amount unpaid. This delayed payment penalty is not interest and is to be collected only once for each bill where it is appropriate.

To be charged whenever the supply of water is turned off for violations of rules, non-payment of bills or fraudulent use of water.


In the event the District collects payment in full of a delinquent water bill at the customer’s premises, in lieu of a discontinuance of service for non-payment, an administrative fee of $25.00 shall also be collected in addition to the delinquent water bill.

A service charge equal to the actual bank fee assessed to the District up to a maximum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) will be imposed upon any customer whose check for charges is returned by the bank due to insufficient funds.

$3.53 per 1,000 gallons is to be used when a bill reflects unusual consumption which can be attributed to eligible leakage on the customer’s side of the meter. This rate shall be applied to all such consumption above the customer’s historical average usage.

Not to exceed two-twelfths (2/12) of the average annual usage of the applicant’s specific customer class, or fifty dollars ($50.00), whichever is greater. This fee may change by applicable statutory provisions.

These rates represent the following project-related increases that will become effective upon substantial completion of the project unless otherwise ordered:


                    ($) INCREASE   (%) INCREASE

Residential (4,000 gallons) $14.69 39%
Commercial (20,000 gallons) $96.09 59%
Industrial (70,000 gallons) $353.09 63%
Public Authorities (25,000 gallons) $121.79 60%


                    ($) INCREASE   (%) INCREASE

Residential (4,000 gallons) $6.31 14%
Commercial (20,000 gallons) $84.55 48%
Industrial (70,000 gallons) $341.55 60%
Public Authorities (25,000 gallons) $110.25 51%


                    ($) INCREASE   (%) INCREASE

Residential (4,000 gallons) $19.21 59%
Commercial (20,000 gallons) $112.49 76%
Industrial (70,000 gallons) $470.99 107%
Public Authorities (25,000 gallons) $148.34 84%

The proposed increased rates and charges related to the project will produce approximately $537,014 annually in additional revenue, an increase of 56%.  The total increase granted will not exceed this estimate unless further notice is provided.

The District has no resale customers.

The increases shown are based on averages of all customers in the indicated class.  Individual customers may receive increases that are greater or less than average.  Furthermore, the requested rates and charges among the various classes of customers are only a proposal and are subject to change (increases or decreases) by the Public Service Commission in its review of this filing.

Anyone desiring to protest or intervene in the Certificate proceeding should file a written protest or request to intervene within thirty (30) days following the date of this publication unless otherwise modified by Commission order. Failure to timely protest or intervene can affect your right to protest aspects of this certificate case or participate in future proceedings. All protests or requests to intervene should briefly state the reason for the protest or request to intervene. Requests to intervene must comply with the rules on intervention set forth in the Commission Rules of Practice and Procedure. All protests and requests to intervene should be addressed to Executive Secretary, P.O. Box 812, Charleston, West Virginia 25323.

In the absence of substantial protest received within thirty (30) days of this publication, the Commission may waive formal hearing and grant the application based on Commission review of the evidence submitted with the application.