Chester City Council was asked why it wasn’t taking action against Sunset Development at Monday’s City Council meeting. Resident Ed Schmidt told Council it was his understanding that the Judge’s most recent ruling ordered the City to grant a permit to owner Bob Reed to place five mobile homes on the lot located at per the City’s mobile home ordinance. Counsel subsequently approved the five mobile home permits on a four to one vote.
Schmidt said that the among the requirements of the ordinance is the stipulation mandating sidewalks and skirting for the mobile homes must be skirted. Those stipulations of the ordinance have not been met, said Schmidt, who noted that The Depot does not have mobile homes in those permitted lots, but three campers are currently located there.
Mayor Ken Morris and Councilman Jason Thorn were absent from the meeting. City Solicitor Mike Adams responded to Schmidt’s questions saying that said that a certain amount of time must be given for Sunset Development to comply with the requirements.
Reed responded that he had “no comment” when asked if he had plans to either skirt the trailers or install sidewalks.
Chester Police Chief Chuck Stanley reported that the City will receive two new police cruisers thanks to the generosity of fraternal organizations and businesses in the community. The Chester VFW Post and the American Legion Post each donated $20,000.00 towards the cruisers while $8,000.00 was donated by three area businesses to equip the cruisers.
In other business, Council:
**Placed receipts of $171,436.70 into the General Fund;
**Paid bills of $132,007.32;
**Placed receipts of $5905.00 into the Building Fund;
**Paid bills of $232.00 out of the Building Fund;
**Established a Depreciation Fund for vehicles and machinery. In the past, money was drawn from the General Fund for repair. Home Rule is slated to go into effect in July with the additional funds expected, Council agreed it would be a wise move to establish the funds.
**Voted to allow the Chester Water Department to draw up to $30,000.00 from Grant Funds for the purpose of obtaining core samples for a new water source. The current aquafier in the Ohio River is 100 years old and grant funds will enable the Water Department to identify an additional water source.
**Noted May 15 is “Make It Shine” Day and volunteers will be cleaning up the City.