The West Virginia Fidelis Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta Kappa Honorary Teacher’s Organization met at Garden Grill Steakhouse in Weirton, WV on June 3, 2021. President Diane Higgins called the meeting to order. Margo Polk read the minutes from the May meeting. They were approved. Polk read a lovely thank you card from former member Kay Kuzma. Treasurer Carolyn Allison gave the financial report. The Thought for the Day was presented by President Higgins. She read from a book of essays written by a young girl attending an Episcopal Boarding School. The essays were collected in a book – “Oh Ye Jigs and Julips.” The essay Higgins read was titled “Education.” Allison shared two awards that were presented to Fidelis Chapter – the Violet Award and the Pearl Award Certificates for 2020. Birthdays were recognized for the month of June: Shirley DeLuca – June 1, West Virginia Day – June 20, Diane Higgins – June 21, and Janet Benzo – June 30. The hostesses for the meeting were Carolyn Allison and Ruth Fuller. The next meeting will be August 5, 2021, and the meeting site will be announced. The meeting was adjourned with the singing of “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.