West Virginia Fidelis Gamma MeetsThe West Virginia Fidelis Gamma Chapter of Alpha Delta KappaHonorary Teachers’s Organization met at Garden Grill Steakhouse inWeirton, WV on August 5, 2021.President Diane Higgins called the meeting to order. Secretary RuthFuller read the minutes from the June meeting, and they were approved.Treasurer Carolyn Allison gave the financial report.Allison shared the Thought for the Day with a reading from Mayo Clinicentitled “Stress Management” – Stress relief from Laughter. She read astory entitled “Ill Fitting Boots:, and it focused on the importance of laughterin our lives.Higgins shared birthdays for sisters during the month of August.Nancy Deters -4th, Donna Durkin – 13th, Elaine McClung – 19, JerryDeFilippo – 24, and Nancy Holdsworth – 29th.Under Correspondence, Allison shared a report from Jill Stemple, StateChairperson for the “Longest Day.” Stemple presented the total monetarydonations for the Alzheimer’s Project , and she congratulated the chaptersand the state for their support.Under Unfinished Business, discussion was held on a monthly meetingplace for our chapter. We need hostesses for May and December.Higgins reported that the International Alpha Delta Kappa theme is“Share the Love.” West Virginia Corresponding Secretary Peggy Johnsoncollected items and articles to assemble a 2021 Virtual Memory of the 32ndInternational Convention (a trip down memory lane.) It was presented toState President Pat Hardin. It was an unusual convention and an unusualyear to survive. Higgins presented the officers for the Internationalpositions. WV International President Mollie Accosta (2021-2023), WVInternational Vice President for Southeast Region Ginger Greene
- (2021-2023), Immediate Past International President JUdy Ganzert(2019-2021.)Higgins and Janet Benzo will attend the West Virginia LeadershipConference held at the Robert H. Mollohan Conference Center in Fairmont,WV on August 7, 2021.The next meeting will be September 2, 2021 at 11:30. The hostesseswill be Liz Pugh, Elaine McClung, and Anne Ford. The meeting place willbe announced.The meeting adjourned with singing “The Lamp of Alpha Delta Kappa.”.