The Hancock County Board of Education took the following action at Monday’s Special Meeting:
**Approved an unpaid Leave of Absence for Kylee Straight and Breanne Underwood;
**Accepted the resignation of Chloe Pieniazek as Countywide Speech-Language Pathologist;
**Assigned Victoria Sidon as a School Counselor at Weir Middle School;
**Transferred Sydney Cromp from Substitute Teacher Countywide to Grade 3 Teacher at Weirton Elementary; Linzy Campeti from Substitute Teacher Countywide to Multi-Categorical/Autism, Weir Middle School; and Karman Gregory from Substitute Teacher Countywide to Kindergarten, New Manchester;
**Assigned Chris LeFever as Assistant Boys’ Soccer at Weir High School;
**Transferred Rachel Wright-McKay from Assistant Softball Coach (Paid), Oak Glen High to Assistant Softball Coach (Unpaid);
**Approved Tiffany McClain as Weir High Class of 2023 Co-sponsor;
**Accepted the resignation of Tina A. Fiber as Substitute Aide;
**Transferred Felix M. Orr from Substitute Custodian, Countywide, to Custodian II, Maintenance Dept.
**Transferred Harry C. Edmund from Substitute Bus Driver, Countywide, to Bus Operator #103;
**Approved Logan W. Curtis as Custodian II at Weir High;
**Approved Ronald D. Dunlap as Substitute Mechanics Helper, Transportation Dept.;
**Approved Richard A. Brant, Substitute Custodian; Jessica A. Stivason and Tiffany Bragg as Substitute Aide