Hancock County resident Mike Gibson spoke to the Hancock County Commission Thursday about the condition of Union Cemetery. Gibson’s parents are buried in the Cemetery and he said he has been addressing the poor maintenance of the grounds for two years with no results.
Further frustrating residents with family buried in the Cemetery is a sign which forbids them from taking mowers into the Cemetery to mow the grass themselves.
Commissioners put the mowing of the county’s three cemeteries: Union, Flat’s Cemetery and St. Paul’s Cemetery in Weirton from April 15 to October 15 out to bid. According to Commissioner Jeff Davis only one bid was received for Flats and Union Cemetery.
Gibson questioned if a County employee had the responsibility of checking to make sure the cemeteries were being mowed and kept up.
“Whatever you’re doing isn’t working,” said Gibson who suggested that instead of putting the mowing out for bid the county return to hiring summer help to mow county property.
Union Cemetery began accepting burials in the 1800s and continues to do so today. Plot sales are not accepted, however, individuals with proof they have title to a plot may be buried there. Although details about the Cemetery’s origin are obscure, it is believed to have once been a family burial site and as the community grew expanded to include community residents. In the 1960s, the Union Cemetery Association was dissolved and was considered abandoned by the State of West Virginia. At that time, the Hancock County Commission took over the management.
In other business, the Commission:
**Heard that the Brooke Hancock Jefferson Planning Commission continues to make progress on the broadband project;
**Accepted the resignation of Connie Mason from the Hancock County Parks & Recreation Board;
**Agreed to advertise for the open position on the Hancock County Parks & Recreation Board;
**Hired Rachel Kristen Diley for he position of part-time animal technician;
**Appointed members to the reconstituted Hancock County 911 Advisory Board;
**Approved a grant agreement with the WV Dept. of Health & Human Resources Bureau for Children & Families on behalf of the Juvenile Mediation Program;
**Hired Julie Knight for position of office administrator for the Prosecutor’s Offfice.