The Alpha Tau chapter (WV) of Alpha Delta Kappa, International Honorary Organization for Women Educators held its October meeting at the Swaney Memorial Library in New Cumberland. The meeting was called to order by President Diane Bowers.
The Thought for the Day, given by Chaplain Kathy Griffith, was a reading from Walking in Grace. Susan Gracie and Rita Schmitt presented a Founder’s Day Program which honored the four creators of the organization. Information was distributed to members from the Weirton Medical Breast Care Center for Breast Cancer Awareness month. The chapter received a letter acknowledging their donation to the Center.
Roll call was taken and minutes were distributed. Treasurer Fran Jones gave the financial report and committee reports were given by chairpersons. Plans were made to promote Alpha Delta Kappa Month in each of the schools. The group discussed upcoming altruistic projects including participating in Operation Christmas Child. Members will bring their filled boxes to the November meeting. Plans were also discussed for the tri-chapter meeting in December to be hosted by Alpha Tau.
Hostesses for the meeting were Diane Bowers and Ginger Greene. A Tea Party setting was used for the refreshments. Members participated in a special activity. Prizes were awarded to Michelle Bernardi and Angela Cunningham. The recipients of door prizes were Kathy Griffith, Ginger Greene, Fran Jones and Diane Bowers. The next meeting will be held November 9th.
Photo: Hostesses for the meeting were L-R: Ginger Greene and Diane Bowers