Watkins Sworn in as New Cumberland Councilman

     New Cumberland City Council once again has a complete City Council roster. Michael Watkins was sworn in November 1st. Watkins replaces 1st Ward Councilman Brian Webster who died suddenly September 27. Watkins appointment was approved unanimously by Council.

A youth basketball league approached Council about the use of the Municipal Building gymnasium.  Ashley Murphy, representing a newly-comprised youth basketball league,  appeared before Council to request that the Municipal Building Gym/multipurpose room once again be rented for the sport.   Problems arose in the past  with non-payment of rent on the gym and damage to the facility.    Murphy said the individual responsible for the non-payment was in no way connected to this group and the  group would be willing to sign a contract and agree to stipulations.

             “We are willing to do whatever it takes,” said Murphy who added that a search for facilities to conduct the league had produced no available buildings. 

             Mayor Will White said that the even if Council could come to an agreement with the group, the gym is in no shape for any activity.  The roof leaks, ceiling tiles are falling and there is no heat to the area.   Council members suggested the Community (C House) might be a viable option if there are  any openings in its schedule.   The C House is overseen by the Park Board and Council member Don Blankenship who also serves on the Park Board suggested   Murphy  attend the next meeting of the Board on Sunday at noon

      Randy Watson of Thrasher Engineering provided Council with a progress report on the water project.   He said    two water tanks are almost complete with the old tank pulled down .  Contractors report that new meters will be complete by the end of the week and will be switched by the end of November and they are waiting on a piece so that meters can be read from a cell phone 

     The City is preparing for the holiday festivities are plans are being made to light up the park this year.   The Christmas Parade is slated for December 11 and Mayor Will White has asked that City Council sponsor a float and all City Council members ride on that float.   Council approved renting a float

In other business, Council:

**Approved payment of monthly invoices of $35,309.78;

**Agreed to purchase salt at $83.26/ton for use on the roads;

**Approved a  draw of $1,683.09 for the Sewage Project;

**Approved a draw of $522,870.09 for the Water Project;

**Approved employee appreciation checks of $500.00 for full-time and $250.00 for active part-time employees;

**Learned that Shirley Joy’s yard on Commerce Street had been selected for “Yard of Month” and approved an award of $50.00 from the City;

**Agreed to have Keith Hurley look at repairs to the old city building,  Council learned that partial repairs had been previously been completed and agreed to just look at doing the shingled part of the roof;

**Agreed to make the entrance to the City Building handicap accessible by making the opening and closing operational through a button.

**Agreed to observe the Friday following Thanksgiving as a holiday.