November 10, 2021

            The regular meeting of the Hancock County Museum Commission was called to order at 2:00 at the museum by President Vivian Weigel who also led in the pledge to the flag.

            Those attending were:  Vivian Weigel, Janet Keller, Lois Carpini, Alice Mitchel, Fred Saluga, and Doris Cameron.

            Minutes of the previous meeting were approved as mailed.

            Due to illness of our Treasurer Marcus Trelaine who was absent, there was no financial report.

            OLD BUSINESS:  President Vivian Weigel reported our final lecture series for this year was held on October 31th and featured Paul Zuros, Director of the Fort Steuben Museum, who gave a very interesting history of that facility and concluded with some eerie stories of the surrounding area.  Fred Miller, writer for the East Liverpool Review presented a great story of Judge Reddick who is buried locally on the state line so that his body is half in one state and half in another and all the spooky details that brought about this request.  A capacity crowd enjoyed a great afternoon of fun.

            DEHUMIDIFIERS – Vivian explained our current machines are not self-draining and need to be replaced.  Janet Keller moved, seconded by Lois Carpini that we purchase two new units under the guidance and advisement of John Brenneman and Greg Blake.  Motion carried.

            NEW BUSINESS:

            Vivian reported a few Victoria Carolers are prepared to perform for the CVB Art Show.

            Tuesday, November 16th at 10 AM was scheduled to take down Halloween decorations and prepare for Christmas.  All help is welcome.

            Our January meeting will take the form of a group tour of the Fort Steuben Museum and Facility at a time to be announced and then resume regular meetings in the new year.

Respectfully submitted

Doris Cameron, Secretary