We began a series of candidates’ responses to pertinent questions yesterday. The first in the series is the Hancock County Board of Education non-partisan race. Two weeks ago we mailed questionairres to the eight candidates inviting them to provide us with their stances on issues currently before the Board along with their experience and education, Five of the candidates responded: Seth Cheuvront Christina Fair, Ed Fields, Dan Kaser and Phil Rujak. Dr. Gregg Baldt called me and said he did not participate in these things and instead wanted an interview. Since the answers are printed without editing, I declined. Two candidates, Gerard Spencer and Jim Horstman did not respond.

Newspapers play an important role in providing valuable information to you before you cast your vote. As a former candidate and a current journalist, I prefer the question and answer format. My opinion on the candidate isn’t a factor in the article. Your opinion is what matters. I always respect a candidate who tells me what he/she believes and will do when in office. I do have major concern over any candidate who is reticent to do so or who does not make the time or the effort to respond to a media questionairre.