• President Dorothy Hawkes brought the meeting to order.  Lion Rick Tinsky offered the prayer and Lion Bob McNeil led the Pledge of Allegiance.  The minutes were accepted as read.  Correspondence was received from the following: The Yellow Ribbon Girls thanked the club for the recent donation to Big Christmas Care Packages for the deployed troops; information from the Leader Dogs for the Blind as to how to support Symbolic Puppy Sponsorship; an invitation from the Top of WV to a member dinner; information from the New Cumberland Festival & Parade Committee on the Christmas Parade that will be held December 10, 2022; information from the New Cumberland Festival & Parade Committee about the sale of Janoski’s Poinsettias as a fundraiser for the committee; information from the Swaney Library regarding decorating Christmas trees for display through December.   The treasurer’s report was placed on file for audit.  Lion Alan Lee reported on the success of the Halloween party with 75 children attending along with their parents/guardians.  The New Cumberland Lions Club has been invited to provide hot chocolate after the Christmas Parade as they did last year.  Lion Jeanne Cox reported on her attempt to contact the Department of Highways to obtain information on Child Safety Seat Identification Stickers.  She will send a sample sticker with a letter of explanation to entities in the area that serve children.  Lion Patty Burgess will be decorating the Christmas Tree at the Swaney Library with the help of Lion Jeanne Cox.    President Dorothy Hawkes presented Lion Don Deemer with a chevron for 10 years as a member of the New Cumberland Lions Club. There will be a Board meeting on November 15 at 6:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers.  There will be NO meeting on November 22 as this is Thanksgiving week.  The next regular meeting will be the Christmas Party on December 13 and the only meeting in December.  Lion Bob McNeil made a motion to adjourn with a second by Lion Lee Allman.PHOTO: President Dorothy Hawkes, leftr, presents Lion Don Deemer with a 10-year membership chevron