The meeting was brought to order by President Dorothy Hawkes. Lion Pam Stiles offered the prayer and Lion Tom Stiles led the Pledge of Allegiance. Dinner was catered by Connie’s Corner of Chester. As this was the Club’s Christmas Party, no business was discussed. President Dorothy Hawkes presented all members with a New Cumberland Lions Club ink pen. After dinner, the remainder of the evening was filled with Holiday music played by a brass quintet comprised of local musicians. The next regular meeting will be January 10, 2023, at the Christian Church. Door prize winners were Lion Ed Fields, Lion Bob McNeil, Lion Patty Burgess, Lion Cindy Skerbetz and Lion Jim Wells. With no further business, the meeting was adjourned.
Members of the brass quintet left to right: Bill Harms-Trumpet, New Cumberland Lion Peggy Lee-French Horn, Brad Rager-Tuba, Tracey Allison-Trumpet and John Neurohr-Trombone.