Hancock County Commissioners granted 911 dispatchers a $2/hour salary adjustment at Thursday’s meeting. According to Jeremy Ober, E-911 Director, the increase is necessary to continue to recruit new dispatchers and retain current staff. Commissioners pointed out that the funding for the increases are contained within the 911 Budget. Billboards have been placed in Chester by neighboring States advertising for 911 dispatchers at a greater rate of pay. Currently there are 13 positions in Hancock County for dispatchers, but only eight of them are filled
Employees will now have 100% of the cost of their Public Employees Insurance premium covered by the Commission. Employees currently pay 20 % of that premium. The change will go into effect in the April 15 paycheck. Commissioners Jeff Davis said the Commission is trying to retain and recruit employees for by making the positions attractive.
Commissioners approved a bid of $3,085.00 per month from Environmental Control to clean the courthouse, magistrates’ office, health department, prosecutor’s office and 911-EMS Center.
In other business, the Comission:
**Accepted a request from Jessica Watts, president of the Upper Hancock Youth Soccer League for $4,300.00 to purchase soccer goals and wheeling. The request was made a matter of record;
**Heard a presentation from Joy Reese of CHANGE, Inc. regarding the HOME down payment assistance program for first time homebuyers.
**Accepted the resignation of Sheena Connors from the Circuit Clerk’s office and granted permission to hire Connors as a tax deputy;
**Accepted the resignation of David Polgar as a Deputy. Polgar has accepted a full-time position with the Chester Police Department. Approval was given to pay Polgar for all unused accrued time off;
**Approved Michael Mercer into the Hancock County Sheriff’s Reserves;
**Granted approved t the County Clerk to hire Eva Johnson as deputy ckerk;