Chester City Council held a swearing in ceremony for David Polgar at Monday’s meeting. Polgar, a former Hancock County Deputy, was sworn in by City Judge Kurt Parkins. Council also voted to approved Jonathan Creed as a provisional patrolman pending his passage of mandatory tests and completion of t raining at the State Police Academy in June.
Healthways, is establishing a clinic in the city building. The behavorial health clinic with offices in Weirton will rent two rooms in the Municipal ‘building to make services such as counseling, opoid addiction treatment, space for AA and NA meetings accessible to residents.
Richard Diamond appeared before Council asking that a Council grant a waiver for him to open Chester Clinic withing 500 feet of a school. State law prohibits a suboxene clinic within 500 feet of a school, but Diamond maintains a waiver from Council would help get his application approved.
In a discussion which at times turned heated ,Diamond said opioid addicts have to travel our of state or to Morgantown to access services to receive the suboxeme treatment.. Members of Council noted that Change inc. is contracted to bring those services to the county. A search of the business license in the Secretary of State’s Office reveals Diamond is an agent of the Ishimuru Medical Cinic. State law now prohibits such services from being dispensed within 500 feet of a school: Council voted to approve the waiver.
In other business, Council:
**Accepted receipts of $59,450.20 into the General Fund
**Paid bills totallling $74,546.63 out of the General Fund
**Accepted receipts of $9,070.00 into the building fund
**Paid Bills of $4,971.33 out of the building fund
**:Joined the lawsuit on the East Palestine train derailment with the law firm of Morgan & Morgan
**Discussed the catch basin on Lycia Avenue;
**Heard from Dave Evans on the loading zone and handicapped parking lines near Chester City Parking. Evans will work with the police to arrive at a mutually agreeable solution