……Together we can accomplish much………apart our energy is diluted and our results sporadic. That certainly applies in Hancock County and economic development.
…..I see where the Top of West Virginia Convention & Visitors Bureau are advocating for a convention and conference center in Weirton in the new development on Three Springs Drive. Mountaineer Race Track & Resort has a convention & conference center which for years attracted a multitude of state conferences with an entire event staff from sales to market it event planners to make sure every detail was met. Not real sure how much they do under the new ownership. COVID pretty much shut down a lot of conferences who then found it more expedient to get members together via ZOOM meetings.
…… A conference and convention center has to have added amenities and Mountaineer’s hotels, casino, racetrack and bands made an attractive package to event planners when the company was at its peak. Making a convention and conference center in Weirton with all those amenities will be a challenge.
……With Memorial Day behind us, the 4th of July plans are in our sight. I’m told New Manchester will once again have its children’s parade and Chester is gearing up for its festivities.
,,,,,,I’m making a pitch for every organization to send in their activities. I fervently believe that the more news we get the better and the beauty of it is that we have no space limitations because we’re digital. The newspaper has been a dichotomy the past six months since Bill died. I struggled to focus and keep it together while I covered meetings; wrote articles; and kept up with the news. Conversely, when I was struggling with grief the ability to sit down and write a column or an article was a lifesaver when I felt like I was drowning.
….And, now that things are beginning to look up economically in our area, I think the newspaper can grow and improve. I’m excited about some ideas I and others involved in various projects are bringing to the table. Have an idea? Let me know. We’re all in this together.
……We all know the NUCOR project has begun to buy up land in the just south of Mountaineer. I’m told that a holdup closing on some of the land vital to the project that the area may have been an Indian burial ground. I’ve been researching and find that the Delaware troop was present in the area. I’m sure there are readers who know much more than I do about the history and I would invite them to contact me. It would be a tragedy if we lost out on a very valid and promising piece of the NUCOR deal. We in Northern Hancock County need this development.