New Cumberland City Council voted to enter into a contract with Patrick Arneault to serve as Project Manager to do the work necessary to transform the building at 200 N. River Ave. into the new City Building.
The City purchased the building from Dave Ewing. The brick structure was known for many years as New Cumberland Vending where the late Benny Phillips stored vending machines and illegal slot machines and conducted his business.
At 2,000-feet, the structure has deemed to be structurally sound, but will require a new roof. Soffit and facia and windows along with plumbing, electricity to be brought up to code. Arneault, who served as project manager for the Hancock County Health Department, CHANGE’s Family Health Care Clinic in Newell and the Grande Hotel at Mountaineer will enter into a 10 month contract with the City. . Should the work not be complete, the City will re-negotiate.
It has been an ongoing struggle to the City to maintain the current Municipal building which once housed New Cumberland Elementary, Jr. High and High School. Currently the Family Court,, WVU Extension Office, New Cumberland Food and Clothes Closet. While the gym used to be used for groups like the New Cumberland Lions Club to meet, the lack of air conditioning and other problems have rendered it unusable. The City has had interest from local interests to purchase or lease the building which has become cost prohibitive for the City to maintain.
Arneault met with Mayor Will White, City Clerk Tammy Jenkins and Chief of Police Chick Skinner to review what needed to be done. Arneault will receive $3,500, first month, $2,500 45h and $,1000 month after that.
Mayor White thought it critical that the City contract with a project manager for the project. “Tammy, Chickie and I aren’t building people.”
In other business, Council:
**Approved the payment of monthly invoices of $40,847.27;
**Aprroved a draw of $44,319.20 for sewer project;
**Approved a draw 2,769.50 for the sewer project;;
**Hired Caleb Minger as a part-time patrolman. Minger has already attended the State Police Academy and is certified;
**Approved the upgrade of the AccuFund Payroll system.
**Approved $100 prize to the winners of the Memorial Day Home Decorating contest.
**Mayor White thanked all those who volunteered for the Memorial Day activities which include a parade; activities in City Park; and music at the VFW. The Parade and Festival committee now turns their work to preparing for the New Cumberland Riverfest.