Two new positions will add to the resources available to Weirton students in the Fall semester. The Hancock County Board of Education approved Kristin Bowman-Cross at the site coordinator at Weirton Elementary School and Douglas Murray at Weir High/Weir Middle School. The positions are grant funded by the Communities in the School program, an initiative of First Lady Kathy Justice.
On the website promoting the program, First Lady Kathy Justice said the program is a way :”to surround students with a community of support, empowering them to stay in school and achieve in life,”
The site coordinators will work with the businesses in the community, community organizations and school personnel in addition to the individual students,
Board Vice President Ed Fields questioned why the positions had only been located in Weirton, not the northern end of the county. Superintendent Dawn Petrovich said the sites are being placed in geographic locations throughout the State and currently there are betwe 28 to 32 counties in the State..
The Board voted to select Lombardi’s bid for Weir High’s Physical Education addition for a total of $5,992,000. The Board raised concern that only $4.5 million remained in the money allocated for the projected leaving a $1.1 million dollar shortfall. Finance Director Joe Campinelli said that the funding could be taken in the overage that typically is present at the end of the year.
In other business, the Board made the following personnel decisions:
**Granted a leave of absence for Jenet Arehart
**Accepted certified resignations from Samantha McCoy, Multi-Categorical/Autism, New Manchester Elementary; Lauren Taylor, Grade 5, Oak Glen Middle; Emily Sloat, Grade 5, Weir Middle; Sierra Blair, Grade 3, Weirton Elementary;
**Approved transfer assignments for Rachelle Jenkins from Multi-Categorical/Autism, Oak Glen High/ Megan Paris, school counselor, Weir Middle to school counselor Alternative Learning Center; Angela Cunningham, Social Studies, Oak Glen Middle to Seconary Teacher, Alternative Learning Center; Justin Horstsman, substitute teacher, countywide to Career Awareness and Learning Center; Rikki Reagan from English, grade 6, Weir Middle, to Multi-Categorical/ Autism, Weir Middle;
**Assignments approved for the 2023/2024 school year were Jennifer Gallo, Multi-Categorical/Autism, Oak Glen Middle; Mary Kimberland, Multi-Categorical/Augism, Weir Elementary; Alexis McKnown, Multi-Categorical, Weirton Elementary; Emily Ferrel, Multi-Categorical, Weirton Elementary;Markell Oliver, Multi-Categorical, Weirton Elementary;
Alicia Ziarko, Grade 3, Weirton Elementary, Anna Grimm, Grade 3, Weirton Elementary; Olicia Miller, Kindergarten, Weirton Elementary; Megan Ost, Grade 3, Weirton Elementary; Shawn Gottardi, Pre-K, Special Needs, Weirton Elementary; Devon Wood, Grade 8, Math, Oak Glen Middle; Jerremiah Torres, Band Director, Weir High/Weir High Middle; Hillary Garner, Multi-Categorical, Autism, Weir Middle*
**Transfers were approved for Gina Brect from teacher (ELAB) Oak Glen Middle to Science, Grade 7, Weir Middle; and Syndney Wagstaff, teacher (ELAB) Oak Glen Middle to Multi Categorical/Autism, County wid
**Approved advanced salary Jordan Simson from bachelor’s to master’s degree;
**Accepted the resignation of Richard Gibson as head boys track coach;
** Accepted the resignation of Tina Viakley as sponsor of Future Business Leaders of America;
**Approved 5 doc days for Beverly Dawson, secretary, Board Office’
**Approved doc days for Kyli Ferguson, William King, Dynthia Parish, Roseann Finney, and ½ doc day for Christal Cowden.
**Accepted the resignation of Judy Moore, Supervisory Aide/AM, Allison Elementary;
**Approved the resignation of Charles Stanley, custodian II,, Weirton Elementary;
**Approved the resignation of Ra[ee[ass Taibi, substitute aide, countywide;;
**Approved the transfer of Ricko Takara from substitute cook, countywide, to cook II, Weirton Elementary;
**Approved the transfer of Debra Huffman from Supervisory Aide AM, Weortpn Elmentary to Sup. Aide/ECCAT/AM K, Allison Elementary; Amber Phillips, supervisory aide/am, Weirton Elementary to Sup. Aide/ New Manchester Elementary, Initial placement k-4 Edith A. Long from Sup. Aide/ ECCAT/AM pre-K, Weirton Elem; Jennifer R. Salmons, supervisory aide/am, Weirton Elementary, to sup. Aide/ECCAT/AM K, Weirton Elementary;
**The professional and service personnel pay scales were approved;
**Mackenzie Turick was approved as a guard volunteer for the Weir High School Band