The Hancock County Commission heard from a contingent of residents who visit the dog park frequently. Located on Gas Valley Road, the Park was constructed by the Commission five years ago. Those in attendance are regular visitors to the park and expressed their dismay at receiving a letter telling them all chairs, toys, pools, etc were being removed from the park.
Kim Joy told the Commissioners that those whose dogs are frequent visitors have brought chairs so they can sit while the dogs play. She said many who bring their dogs are elderly and are not able to stand for long periods of time. The group had also brought a pool so the dogs could cool off, but speakers argued the pool was emptied and sanitized each day,
Commissiioner Jeff Davis told those in attendance, the Commissioners would be happy to sit down and meet with them. He said when he saw the park it was a “pig stye” and the Commissioners have had complaints from people renting the pavillion.
In other business, the Commissioin:
**Heard from Sarah Cale, executive assistant of the Top of WV CVB, who presented the organization’s annual report. She said that 15 summer concerts had been held with a 10% increase from last year; they had increased the digital outreach and partnered with Wheeling and Moundsville in taking a regional approach to attracting tourism.
**Chrissy Marshall, liaison for First Energy Management, introduced herself and expressed a willingness to be of help in any way. Tammy Lynn of First Energy’s Involvement Team also explained her role in First Energy’s Outreach;
**Approved a request from Marcus Trelaine, treasurer of the Hancock County Museum, for reimbursement of $3,554.26 for expenses;
**Approved a request from John Yocina, chairman of the Tomlinson PSD, for $10,000.00 in funding for the Route 2 water expansion;
**Did not bring to the table an agreement with the Hancock County Board of Education on the Prevention Resource Officers for the schools. Davis said parents should not be concerned that there will be PRO officers in the school when it starts, but that there are discrepancies in the contract that must be worked out before the Commission can vote on it;
**Tabled a resolution supporting the Business Development Corporation along with pledging $39,675 towards a grant from the WV Development Office;
**Approved the advertisement of the demolition and clean-up of the property located at 796 Kings Creek Road;
**Hired Zoey Mayhew as a part-time 4-H and Youth Development Program assistant;
**Approved the implementation of Pay-Com, a third-party payroll company;
**Approved the purchase of 4 ballistic vests for four new hires from the Sheriff’s office;
**Approved the request to transfer $12,000.00 within the Sheriff’s budget to be used for new hires;
**Accepted the resignation of Tracie Hinzman from her position as a full-time, 911 dispatcher;