Community engagement and partnerships the focus of Thursday’s WVSOM presentation

Online option offered; NIH to present national engagement ‘toolkit’ based on WVSOM’s CRCH model

LEWISBURG W.Va. — Anyone interested in increasing community engagement and building community partnerships will want to attend or view the West Virginia School of Osteopathic Medicine’s Center for Rural and Community Health (CRCH) —  in partnership with the National Institutes of Health —  free presentation on Community Engagement Alliance, Sustaining Community Partnerships: Fostering Relationships Between Communities and Researchers. 

The presentation, which focuses on using community engagement work for growing community partnerships, starts at 3 p.m. and includes the launch of a national NIH ‘toolkit’ showcasing the CRCH’s community engagement work — a community first approach — as a model for growing community partnerships:

The live event will be held in WVSOM’s student center in Lewisburg and is open to the public and individuals and organizations interested in community engagement and partnerships. There will be refreshments and time for networking after the presentation.  

There is also an online option through WEBEX.

For additional information, contact Tasha Alderman at [email protected].