New Cumberland City Council held its first monthly meeting at the new city building on River Avenue. The building at one time served as an office and storage for longtime businessman, the late Benny Phillips, and was home to the Yaught Club. It most recently was owned by Dave Ewing.

The building houses offices not only the City Clerk and the Mayor, but the water and sewer and police department, Of special interest, is the room designated for the Council and committee meetings which features a vaulted ceiling.

City Clerk Tammy Jenkins explained that an outside awning and other minor work remains to be done, but all necessary work is complete. The awning is slated to be installed this week.

Alan Lee, a member of the Swaney Memorial Library Board, spoke to Council about the grants received by the Library board. The Library was built with funds left to them by Dr. Swaney and receives funding from a trust set up by him for operational expenses. The Trust, however, is slated to run out of money in 2026. While at one time the Library operated autonomously, it opted to become on of three libraries in Hancock County under the State Library Commission to access funds and resources. The Library receives levy funds and has agressivly pursued grant funds to make up the deficit. Lee reported that a matching grant of $10,900.00 had paid fifty percent of the cost of new windows and a remaining $1,000.00 went to the HVAC system. A $10,000.00 grant has been received from the American Library Association and a $3,000.00 Dollar General grant for a summer reading program. The Library has three part-time employees.

Lee said the Library had expanded its activities and is looking for feedback from citizens on those programs and others which might be offered.

Lee thanked Council for their support and Mayor Will White noted how fortunate New Cumberland was to have the Library.

In other business, Council:

**Approved monthly invoices of $172,642.15

**Agreed to purchase a used police cruiser with for $22,795.00

**Expressed the need for a manlift to hang banners, put up Christmas decorations, etc. , but decided to take their time and look around until the right deal is found;

**Set June 7 as the bid opening for the roof on the City garage;

**Gave the OK to seek permission to use the ARPA funds for a new pump, cutters and rings for Morris St.’

**Approved $1,100.00 for purchase of PVC pediments for nine windows;

**Voted to patch a large and persistent pothole in the alley behind Smith Oil.