…….I’ve been going through pictures of relatives, some of whom I can’t even identify. My sister, Marsha, the older of the two of us and by her own declaration, the more responsible, was the self-designated keeper of things. That’s why when my Grandma Rose Herron passed away, Marsha bypassed Dad and me and announced she was the keeper of the family pictures. In cleaning out the Webster home, my neices unearthed the box of pictures which had lived under the middle bedroom bed.
……I was intrigued and with someone had thought to attach names to each picture. But, my family room mantle is now adorned with framed photos of those I do know: My Grandma Alice Pennick in her marriage photo to John Barton; my Grandad Marshall (Lux) Herron and Grandma Rose Herron; my Dad as a toddler with his older and much-loved sister, Eleanor Herron Weltner. And, of course the original Dakon Herron hard at work plowing fields on the farm a few miles down the road. I look at the pictures and it makes me feel that I am a part of something that is forever and not transitory.
…….The City of New Cumberland’s population just increased by one. Shannon is buying the Marsha and Bill Webster house on Pearl Street in New Cumberland. I have never seen her so happy as she goes from room to room recounting her memories as a child who had the funnest five cousins. It seems like each room holds a memory and a feeling of love.
…… Ironically, enough on the pole outside the house the veteran on the banner is her grandfather, John D. Herron, who looks over her. She’s already picked out her cousins, Tamera and Susan’s bedroom) as the spare room for her grandchildren and is repairing the fence so her pup, Rooney, doesn’t escape. By the way, her house at 157 Aztec Lane, New Cumberland, right across from Oak Glen, is now for sale.
……..The West Coast Pettit brood will be here on June 30 and for a week I’ll get to see my two children; my six grandchildren; and two great-grandchildren all together again. Live is good.