The Hancock County Democratic Women held their monthly meeting following the Executive Committee at B4 Burgers and Grill at 6:00 P.M. located at 160 l Penna. Avenue, Weirton.
President Alesia Brogdon called the meeting to order. She did not lead the Pledge of Allegiance, in that, the same was said at the Executive Committee meeting. Silent attendance was taken.
The minutes were waived since the previous meeting was canceled. Treasurer Dina Carnes read the treasurer’s report and the same will be filed for audit.
Dina Carnes opened a discussion regarding the Annual WVFDW meeting that is taking place in Charleston this year. President Brogdon shared the packet with the Committee, and we decided that we will pay for quilt raffle tickets next month. Due this month is the Ad for the Program. Alison Martin and Dina Carnes will collaborate to get it sent in by July 30th. The Cost is $50.00, and we agreed to each pay $7.00 for the ad. Dina Carnes (Treasurer) will write the check and we will all pay our $7.00 to Dina. Membership and per Capita dues are due on August 31st and Pam Allison will update the membership list prior to the due date. Dina will send the check.
With no further business the meeting was adjourned.
The next meeting will be on August 20th at 5:00 P.M. for the Executive Committee and 6:00 P.M. for the Democratic Women at B4 Burgers and Grill.