The City of New Cumberland took several steps to continue to improve the community Monday night. City Clerk Tammy Jenkins presided over the meeting with Mayor Will White absent due to a family emergency.
Council addressed the condition of alleys in the community, many of whom had extensive potholes, and voted advertise for bids to scrape, tar and chip the alleys. A complete list of those alleys is available in the City building.
Council also gave approval to purchase the structure at 411 Ridge Avenue for back taxes of $409.42. The building is adjacent to Pride Park and may be demolished for parking.
While the City had originally planned to keep a room for storage at the old municipal building, the decision was made to utilize old city building on Jefferson Avenue adjacent to the new city building for storage of cameras and other equipment. A motion was made to seek bids to shore up the floor and any other work necessary,
In other business:
**The City was notified that Community Service Director wishes to be part-time and they voted to accept the decision;
**A problem on Ridge, Second and Third Avenue with cars parked at the corners which has potential to impede fire trucks from making the turn was discussed. Further discussion will be held with residents and the curbs will be painted yellow and cars ticketed;
**Voted to get bids on a generator for the City Building;
**Heard from Jenkins that Council had signed a contract for services from Comcast and now Comcast is trying to change a contract which has already been executed;
**Will advertise for bids on the Municipal Garage Roof;
**Approved monthly invoices of $108,344.35.
**Set the following city meetings:
Police – Aug 26, 4:30 p.m., Water-Sewage, Sept.3, 2024 at 4:30 p.m, Festival and Parade Committee, August 21 at 4 p.m.; Building Enforcement, August 12 at 4:30 p.m.