Three slots on the Parks & Recreation Board were filled by the Hancock County Commission at Thursday’s meeting. The Board has experienced much turmoil and turnover in Board members over the past few years. Appointed to the Board by the Commissioners were Jamie Jones, Nancy Rodman and Karen Slaughter. All three candidates fit the appropriate slots based on party affiliation and residence in specified magisterial districts.

Nick Frankovitch was reappointed to the Oakland Public Service District while the County Clerk’s office was given permission to hire a deputy clerk. The Animal Shelter was granted permission to hire Nevaeh Wells, Annabel Fitch, Tanner Smith, Christina Butera, Patrick O’Brien and Stephanie Slack as part-time employees.

Correspondence was received from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection informing the Commission and other parties that the DEP had accepted the permit renewal application from Little Blue Run Disposal Area. The completeness review is the first in a series of reviews conducted by the Department. The application will now move to the technical review stage of the permit review process.

The Commission approved a grant contract agreement between the Division of Administrative Services and Community Service Section and the Commission. A proposal for IT support from Global Science & Technology, Inc. was approved.

Approval was given to pay Ontasia Petteway’s accrued vacation time of 12.5 hours. Petteway recently resigned her position as Office Administrator in the Commission Office.

The Commission will meet again Tuesday, Nov. 26 at 2:30 p.m. Meetings for the remainder of the year are Dec 12 at @ 2:30 p.m; and Dec. 23 @ 2:30 p.m.