President Sally Greathouse opened the meeting. The minutes of the October 22nd meeting were accepted as read. Correspondence was received by Leader Dogs asking for a donation, a Thank You card from Aiden Flowers, Lion Scholar of the Month for January 2024, and a request from the Oak Glen Cheerleaders asking for a donation of food and supplies for “A Night at the Races” on Feb. 14, 2025.  Donations will be discussed at the board meeting.  The Treasurer’s report was given by Treasurer Alan Lee.  All financial totals are recorded in the financial report, which will be placed on file for audit.  President Sally Greathouse handed out Chevrons for Lion’s years of service to Bob McNeil with 25 years as a member, Betsy Wells for 25 years as a member, Rich Zumer for 25 years as a member, and Dan Smith (accepted by Secretary Jeanne Cox) for 10 years in the Club.  The Halloween Party held at the Community House in New Cumberland on Oct. 31 was successful. Approximately 75 children attended.   The Jack Harris/Brian Webster Walk-A-Thon was held on Nov. 2nd.  Lions Jim Gillespie, Bill Greathouse, Alan Lee, Jim Wells, Jeanne Cox and Charlie Bourque participated. ALL funds raised are for the West Virginia Sight Conservation Foundation.  Lion Joyce Young suggested moving the Walk-A-Thon to the spring due to the many events scheduled in the fall.  Lion Pam Stiles collected boxes for Operation Christmas Child.  Boxes can also be dropped off at the Nazarene Church on the corner of Veterans Blvd and Scotts Lane between Nov. 18-23. A motion was made and passed for the Club to donate money for the cost of shipping of the Christmas boxes.  The Christmas party and next meeting will be held Dec. 10th.  The party will start at 6 pm with refreshments and dinner afterwards.  Members can bring items for the food closet.  Members are welcome and encouraged to bring spouses or significant others.  All Lions Club items were removed from the Community House to the library and items need to be organized and put in one location in the library.   A motion was made and passed to send a donation to Blue Star Mothers, an organization that collects items for deployed service members.  The New Cumberland Christmas Parade will be held on December 14th. The Lions Club will be serving hot chocolate to the community.  Parade lineup starts at 4 pm and the parade starts at 5 pm.  Members should be at the City garage around 5:15 – 5:30.   The Lions Club Board Meeting will be held on November 19th.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:30 pm

.PHOTO: from left Bob McNeil, Betsy Wells, Rick Zumer, Jeanne Cox with Dan Smith award