Hancock County Commissioners Joe Barnabei and Jeff Davis congratulated fellow commissioner Paul Cowey for being honored by the WV County Commissioners Association at their Thursday meeting. Cowey was recognized for his outstanding service and leadership in the Association by being named Rising Star at the Association’s recent state meeting. The award, presented to one county commissioner in the State, notes that Cowey “ goes beyond the call of duty to actively participate and achieve goals of the County Commissioners Association and vigorously works to preserve the goals of the Association.”
Cowey, who represents Clay District, was elected to the Commission in 2016.
The order and notice for placing the Special Excess Levy for the purpose of funding the Hancock County Sheltered Workshop on the November 3 General Election Ballot was approved. The appropriation of $250,000.00 remains the same as past levies.The Commissioners noted that no additional taxes are contained in the levy it is simply a renewal.
In other business, the Commission:
**Approved reimbursement of $2,124.88 to the Hancock County Museum contingent upon the funds being in the account from the previous year’s budget. The amount represents the costs of maintaining the museum from January 1, 2020 thru June 30, 2020
**Reappointed Sandy Haspel to the Hancock County Board of Health;
**Accepted the resignation of Jeffrey Wargo from the Hancock County Parks & Recreation Board;
**Appointed Amy Franey-Cunningham to the Parks & Recreation Board;
**Approved the advertisement for an open position on the Parks & Recreation Board;
**Agreed to hire Seth Cheuvront and Jace Cunningham as part-time dispatchers for the 911 Center;
**Accepted the resignation of Rita Carpenter from the Hancock County Prosecutor’s Office. Carpenter is retiring from her part-time position;
**Reappoiinted Kathy White, Caroll Rosenlieb and Greta Swann to the Northern Panhandle Home Consortium;